Founded in: 2006
Managing director: Balaji Rangachari
PTC India Financial Services Limited is an Indian nonbanking financial institution promoted by PTC India Limited and has been awarded the Infrastructure Finance Company (IFC) status by RBI. PFS is set up with an objective to provide total financing solutions to the energy value chain which includes investing in equity or extending debt to road infrastructure projects and power projects in generation, transmission, distribution, fuel resources and fuel related infrastructure.The company provides fund based and nonfund based debt financing, including shortterm and longterm debt, as well as structured debt financing. In addition to financing project companies, they also provide bridge financing to promoters of power projects. They provide various feebased services including facility agent and security agent services, as well as advisory services such as technoeconomic feasibility studies for power projects in India. They also provide nonfund based financial services adding value to green field and brown field projects at various stages of growth and development.PTC India Financial Services Limited was incorporated on September 8, 2006 as a Public Limited Company. The Company established as a special purpose investment vehicle to provide total financial services to the entities in energy value chain, including investment in equity and/or extending debt to power projects in generation, transmission, distribution fuel sources, fuel related infrastructure like gas pipelines, LNG terminals, ports, equipment manufacturers and EPC contractors etc. It received the Certificate for Commencement of Business in March, 2007. During the year 200708, the company made their first investment in Indias first power exchange, Indian Energy Exchange Ltd. In December 2007, Goldman Sachs Strategic Investments Ltd and Macquarie India Holdings Ltd entered into a share subscription agreement and shareholders Agreement with the company and acquired 22.40% of the share capital of the company.During the year 200809, the company commenced the debt financing business. In July 2008, the company signed an agreement for taking a 26% equity stake in Meenakshi Energy Pvt Ltd, which is setting up a 270 MW Thermal power project at Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. In August 2008, they signed an agreement 2008 for taking 26% equity stake in IndBarath Powergencom Ltd, which is setting up a 189 MW Thermal Power Plant at Thoothukkudi District in Tamilnadu.During the year 200910, the company commissioned the 6 MW wind power project in the state of Karnataka. In March 2010, the company diversified into the new business of Carbon Financing. They concluded a Carbon Financing transaction, wherein they have provided Upfront Carbon Financing to a 20 MW hydro power project in Orissa against forward purchase of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) to be generated by the project. Also, they signed an MoU with Macquarie Bank Ltd, London for cooperation in the Carbon Finance Business. In August 2011, the company was given Infrastructure Financial Company (IFC) status by the Reserve Bank of India. In October 2010, they signed the ECB Loan Agreement with DEG, Germany for availing external commercial borrowings in the nature of a term loan for an amount of USD 26 million.The company intends to grow their principal investment and debt financing businesses, as well as expand their fee based and other services, to ensure effective sourcing and crosssell of their financing products and services. The company intends to increase their focus on their current feebased services that include primarily debt facility agent and security agent services as well as various advisory services such as technocommercial appraisal services. They intend to increase their focus on debt syndication activities in the future.The company intends to continue to develop strategic partnerships with international financial institutions by establishing joint ventures and/or private equity funds. They are currently exploring joint venture opportunities for the establishment of a fund focused on renewable energy. They intend to enter into strategic partnerships from time to time to provide various financial services in specific areas of Indias power sector.3 coalbased thermal projects, 2 windbased projects and 2 solarbased projects achieved commercial operations during the year 201112. Uniqueness of the Company lies in developing and delivering structured products linked to equity or debt, tailored to risk profile and needs of specific projects in record timeframe. Thus, PFS not only provides financial assistance but also adds value to the project development process and that too by following a highly systematic and professional approach. PFS offers a sustained efficient delivery of financial services to power projects in marketing and selling arrangement of power, fuel intermediation and advisory services.
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