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Qtr Change %
26.37% Fall from 52W High
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Below industry Median

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*All values are in ₹ Cr.

*All values are in ₹ Cr.

*All values are in ₹ Cr.

*All values are in ₹ Cr.

Nippon Life India Asset Management Quarterly Revenue

Dec 2024Sep 2024Jun 2024Mar 2024Dec 2023
587.89 Cr
571.3 Cr
504.96 Cr
468.27 Cr
423.32 Cr

Nippon Life India Asset Management Yearly Revenue

Mar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021Mar 2020
2037.34 Cr
1516.61 Cr
1535.63 Cr
1419.34 Cr
1193.21 Cr

Nippon Life India Asset Management Quarterly Net Profit/Loss

Dec 2024Sep 2024Jun 2024Mar 2024Dec 2023
295.26 Cr
359.98 Cr
332.17 Cr
342.63 Cr
284 Cr

Nippon Life India Asset Management Yearly Net Profit/Loss

Mar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021Mar 2020
1106.25 Cr
722.93 Cr
743.37 Cr
679.39 Cr
415.76 Cr
Nippon Life India Asset Management Result Highlights
  • Nippon Life India Asset Management Ltd reported a 12.8% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) decrease in its consolidated revenues for the quarter-ended Dec (Q3FY25). On a year-on-year (YoY) basis, it witnessed a growth of 13.7%.

  • Its expenses for the quarter were up by 2.7% QoQ and 22.8% YoY.

  • The net profit decreased 18.0% QoQ and increased 3.9% YoY.

  • The earnings per share (EPS) of Nippon Life India Asset Management Ltd stood at 4.6 during Q3FY25.

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Data Source: BSE, Company announcements

The securities quoted are exemplary and are not recommendatory. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Nippon Life India Asset Management shareholding Pattern

Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions
Foreign Institutions
Mutual Funds
Domestic Institutions

Nippon Life India Asset Management Technical Analysis

Moving Averages Analysis
Moving Averages Analysis
Current Price
Bullish Moving Averages
Bearish Moving Averages
5Day EMA
10Day EMA
12Day EMA
20Day EMA
26Day EMA
50Day EMA
100Day EMA
200Day EMA
5Day SMA
10Day SMA
20Day SMA
30Day SMA
50Day SMA
100Day SMA
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Delivery & Volume

Delivery & Volume

PeriodCombined Delivery VolumeNSE+BSE Traded Volume
Day Rs
773663 Rs
1294112 Rs
Week Rs
769754 Rs
1409364 Rs
Month Rs
657627 Rs
1200888 Rs
Resistance & Support
First Resistance
Second Resistance
Third Resistance
First Support
Second support
Third Support
Relative Strength Index
Money Flow Index
MACD Signal
Average True Range
Average Directional Index
Rate of Change (21)
Rate of Change (125)

Nippon Life India Asset Management Company background

Founded in: 1995
Nippon Life India Asset Management Limited (Formerly known as Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Limited) (NAM India) is one of the largest asset management companies in India with a total AUM of Rs. 3,62,981 Crore. NAM India is the Asset Manager of Nippon India Mutual Fund (NIMF). The Company is involved in managing mutual funds including Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Managed Accounts, including Portfolio Management Services (PMS), Alternative Investment Funds and Pension Funds and Offshore Funds and Advisory Mandates. The Company is also promoted by Nippon Life Insurance Company, one of the leading private life insurers in Japan, with assets of over US 722 billion. NLI has a large global network with presence across US, Europe, Asia, and Australia along with a track record in Life Insurance business as well as global investments across Asset Management companies. Nippon Life India Asset Management Limited was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on February 24, 1995. The Company is the promoter of NAM India and currently holds 73.74% (as on March 31, 2023) of its total issued and paidup equity share capital. It also manages offshore funds through its subsidiaries in Singapore and Mauritius and has representative office in Dubai thereby catering to investors across Asia, Middle East, UK, US, and Europe.Reliance Nippon Life is promoted by Reliance Capital Limited, an RBI registered nonbanking finance company (NBFC) with business interests including in asset management and mutual funds, life, health and general insurance, commercial and home finance, stock broking, wealth management services, distribution of financial products, asset reconstruction and proprietary investments. Reliance Capital Limited is a part of Reliance Group, which has business interests in financial services, telecommunications, power, energy, infrastructure, and defense. The Reliance Group is led by Mr. Anil D. Ambani, one of Indias prominent business leaders. The Companys copromoter, Nippon Life Insurance Company (Nippon Life) is one of the leading private life insurers in Japan. Nippon Life offers a wide range of financial products, including individual and group life and annuity policies.The company started mutual fund operations in 1995 as the asset manager for Reliance Mutual Fund. During the year under review, Reliance Mutual Fund launched two schemes Reliance Growth Fund and Reliance Vision Fund.In 2004, RNAM commenced portfolio management services. During the year under review, the company commenced offshore operations in Mauritius by setting up a wholly owned subsidiary, Reliance Asset Management (Mauritius) Limited.In 2005, the company commenced offshore operations in Singapore by setting up a wholly owned subsidiary, Reliance Asset Management (Singapore) Pte Limited.In 2008, the company executed a contract to provide discretionary portfolio management services to the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (acting through its Central Board of Trustees).Reliance Capital Pension Fund Limited, one of the Group Companies, received a Certificate of Commencement of Business as a pension fund manager from the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) in 2009 and manages pension assets under the National Pension System (NPS).In 2012, RNAM received the first tranche of investment from Nippon Life Insurance Company, Japan.In 2014, the companys subsidiary, Reliance AIF Management Company Limited was appointed as the manager to the Reliance Capital AIF Trust. During the year under review, Reliance Mutual Fund launched a Japan focused openended diversified equity scheme under the name Reliance Japan Equity Fund.In 2015, RNAM entered into an investor advisory agreement with Samsung Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited. During the year under review, Reliance Mutual Fund launched equityoriented Retirement Fund. During the year under review, Quarterly Average Assets under Management (QAAUM) of Reliance Mutual Fund crossed Rs 1.5 lakh crore.In 2016, the company acquired the asset management rights of 12 schemes being managed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management (India) Private Limited. During the year under review, the company executed a contract to provide discretionary portfolio management services to the Coal Mines Provident Fund Organization (acting through its Board of Trustees). During the year under review, the companys subsidiary Reliance AIF Management Company Limited was appointed as the manager to the Reliance Event Opportunities Trust.In 2017, Quarterly Average Assets under Management (QAAUM) of Reliance Mutual Fund crossed Rs 2 lakh crore.RNAM came out with an initial public offer (IPO) during the period from 25 October 2017 to 27 October 2017. The IPO was a combination of fresh issue of 2.45 crore equity shares by the company and offer for sale of a total of 3.67 crore shares by promoter selling shareholders. The stock debuted at Rs 294 on BSE on 6 November 2017, a premium of 16.66% compared to the IPO price of Rs 252 per share.As of March 31, 2018, the Company had 3 subsidiaries. 2 of such subsidiaries are overseas, being 1 each in Singapore and Mauritius and 1 subsidiary being in India. On 11 October 2018, Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Limited (RNAM) announced that it has received mandate from the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) to manage its funds. RNAM already manages mandates from Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), The Coal Mines Provident Fund Organization (CMPFO) and The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), thus becoming the only asset manager to manage all the four prestigious mandates.On 20 November 2018, Reliance Mutual Fund (RMF) announced Further Fund Offer 3 (FFO3) of its Central Public Sector Enterprises Exchange Traded Fund (CPSE ETF). This FFO3 is part of the Government of Indias overall disinvestments program, announced earlier by the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM), Ministry of Finance, using the ETF route.On July 13, 2017, Nippon Life Insurance Company (NLI), an existing equity shareholder holding 44.57% stake in the Company acquired an additional 4.43% stake by way of purchase of equity shares from Reliance Capital Limited (RCL). Post this acquisition, the equity stake of NLI in the Company was increased to 49%, and subsequently NLI was also classified as one of the Promoters of the Company along with RCL.During the year 201718, the Company had allotted 57,60,00,000 number of fully paid up equity shares of face value of Rs.10/ each in August 2017 to the Members of the Company in proportion of 1:50.During the year 201718, the Company came out with its initial public offering (IPO) and diluted the 10% post issue capital in favor of the public. Both the promoters of the Company (i.e. RCL and NLI) also participated in the IPO by way of an offer for sale component and diluted part of their holdings in favor of the public. The total IPO size was Rs.1542.24 Crores out of which the Company raised Rs.616.89 Crores as primary subscription and the remaining proceeds of Rs.925.37 Crores were towards offer for sale.During the year 201718, the Company has redeemed all the outstanding 30,00,000 number of preference shares, which were issued by the Company in the previous years.During the year 201718, Reliance Capital Pension Fund Limited ceased to be a subsidiary of the Company and became Companys associate company.In FY 201819, the Company launched UCITS India Fixed Income Fund, domiciled out of Dublin. As of March 2019, the Company had a total AUM of approx. Rs. 3,087 crore as part of its international offshore Managed portfolio. It further had a total AUM of approximately Rs. 5,542 crore of international Advisory mandates. During the year 201819, it launched the first equity scheme under category III AIF. It launched / incubated the first Commodity Fund which is the first Category III open ended fund offered by the company. It also launched the first offshore real estate fund, a category II AIF which is currently open for subscription. In FY 201920, Company launched the first Indian Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) product in Australia, in June 2019. It launched Nippon India Digital Innovation AIF Scheme 1 in December 2019 (approx. US 120 million). It launched Real Estate Fund in Japan for institutional investors in December 2019 (approx. US 10 million). As of March 31, 2020, the Company had a total AUM of Rs. 4,810 crore as part of its international offshore managed portfolio. It also had a total AUM of Rs. 4,105 crore as international advisory mandates. NAM India, in collaboration with BBL Asset Management Company Ltd., an affiliated company of Bangkok Bank (BBL), the largest Thai Commercial Bank, launched Bualuang Bharata Fund in Thailand for institutional investors and high net worth investors. As of March 31, 2021, the Company had a total AUM of Rs. 6,953 crore as part of its international offshore managed portfolio. It had a total AUM of Rs. 3,347 crore as international advisory mandates. In FY 202021, it launched the firstofitskind ETF, Nippon India ETF Nifty CPSE Bond Plus SDL 2024 Maturity. It further launched Multi Asset Fund. It acquired 350 new institutional investors and over 9 lakh unique investors.As of March 31, 2022, Company had 3 subsidiaries. 2 of such subsidiaries are overseas, being 1 each in Singapore and Mauritius and 1 subsidiary is in India. In FY 22, the Nippon India Flexi Cap Fund was one of the biggest success stories for Digital enabling lucid accessfor investors partners across all its Digital assets. Apart from that, the Company digitally enabled other prominent products for FY2122 including Nippon India Taiwan Equity Fund and Nippon India Silver ETF FoF. Apart from that, on the ETF front, it enabled Nippon India Nifty Pharma ETF, Nippon India Nifty Auto ETF Nippon India Silver ETF. It had a very innovative Index offering made live viz. Nippon India Nifty AAA CPSE Bond Plus SDL Apr 2027 Maturity 60:40 Index Fund.As on March 31, 2022, the Companys total AUM is Rs. 55,001 crore, as part of the managed accounts business. It had a total AUM of Rs. 8,762 crore as part of international offshore managed portfolio. It had a total AUM of Rs. 2,685 crore as international advisory mandates.As on March 31, 2023, the Companys total AUM is Rs. 61,600 Crores, as part of the managed accounts business. It had a total AUM of Rs. 8,855 Crores as part of international offshore managed portfolio. It had a total AUM of Rs. 2,012 Crores as international advisory mandates. In 202223, NAM India launched new schemes comprising of Nippon India Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 Index Fund, Nippon India Fixed Horizon Fund XLIV Series 1 Nippon India Nifty AAA PSU Bond Plus SDL Sep 2026 Maturity 50:50 Index Fund Nippon India Nifty SDL Plus GSec Jun 2028 Maturity 70:30 Index Fund Nippon India Fixed Horizon Fund XLIV Series 4 Nippon India Fixed Horizon Fund XLIV Series 2 Nippon India Nifty GSec Sep 2027 Maturity Index Fund Nippon India Nifty GSec Jun 2036 Maturity Index Fund Nippon India Nifty SDL Plus GSec Jun 2029 Maturity 70:30 Index Fund Nippon India Nifty GSec Oct 2028 Maturity Index Fund Nippon India Fixed Horizon Fund XLV Series 4 and Nippon India Fixed Horizon Fund XLV Series 5.
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Nippon Life India Asset Management FAQs

Nippon Life India Asset Management share price is ₹601 in NSE and ₹601.15 in BSE as on 24/3/2025.

Nippon Life India Asset Management share price in the past 1-year return was 33.95. The Nippon Life India Asset Management share hit a 1-year low of Rs. 445.3 and a 1-year high of Rs. 816.25.

The market cap of Nippon Life India Asset Management is Rs. 37451.05 Cr. as of 24/3/2025.

The PE ratios of Nippon Life India Asset Management is 29.22 as of 24/3/2025.

The PB ratios of Nippon Life India Asset Management is 9.67 as of 24/3/2025

The Mutual Fund Shareholding in Nippon Life India Asset Management was 8.11% at the end of 24/3/2025.

You can easily buy Nippon Life India Asset Management shares in Kotak Securities by opening a demat account and getting the KYC documents verified online.

Please be aware that Nippon Life India Asset Management stock prices are subject to continuous fluctuations due to various factors.

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