Fusion Finance Limited was originally incorporated as Ambience Fincap Private Limited on September 5, 1994 at New Delhi, India as a Private Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956. Subsequently, name of the Company changed to Fusion Micro Finance Private Limited and a fresh Certificate of Incorporation, dated April 19, 2010 was issued by the RoC to describe the business of the Company, post which the RBI granted a certificate of registration dated May 19, 2010 reflecting the change of name. The name of Company was further changed to Fusion Micro Finance Limited upon conversion to a Public Limited Company on July 20, 2021, post which a fresh Certificate of Registration as an NBFC dated October 1, 2021, was issued by the RBI reflecting the change in name of the Company. Further, the Company name has been changed to Fusion Finance Limited from Fusion Micro Finance Limited effective from July 09, 2024.The Company is primarily engaged in micro finance lending activities, providing financial services to poor women in India who are organized as Joint Liability Group(JLGs). It provides small value collateral free loans. Apart from micro finance lending, it also has lending to MSME enterprises. It uses its distribution channel to provide other financial products and services to the members primarily relate to providing of loans to the members for the purchase of certain productivity enhancing products such as mobile handsets, bicycle, etc.The key product offerings are incomegenerating loans that provide capital for women entrepreneurs in rural areas to fund businesses operating in agricultureallied and agriculture, manufacturing and production, trade and retail, and services sectors. In addition, it offer existing customers crosssell loans that are utilized for livelihood and productivity enhancing purposes as well as MSME loans to eligible enterprises.It is further premised on the fact that if such individuals are given access to credit, they will be able to identify new opportunities and/or grow existing incomegenerating activities such as running local retail shops, providing tailoring and other assorted trades and services, raising livestock, cottage production such as pottery, basket weaving and mat making, land and tree leasing, among others. It lend to women in low income households, even if loan proceeds are used in the household business that is run by the family, including the husband.Company has launched a new business vertical for MSME loans to the missing middle segment of the sector in 2019. The Company came out with a public issue of 29,999,813 Equity Shares by raising funds aggregating to Rs. 1103.99 Crores comprising a Fresh Issue of 16,304,347 Equity Shares amounting to Rs. 600 Crores and 13,695,466 Equity Shares Offer for Sale amounting to Rs. 503.99 Crores in November, 2022,