CSB Bank Limited is one of the fastest growing private sector banks in India with a significant branch presence in the Thrissur district of Kerala and steadily increasing network across India with a special thrust on Northern and Western part of the country. The Bank has a network of 779 branches in India and provide a range of banking and financial services including SME Banking, Retail Banking,Corporate Banking and Treasury Operations.The CSB Bank, formerly known The Catholic Syrian Bank Limited was incorporated on November 26, 1920. The Bank changed the name to CSB Bank Limited effective on June 9, 2019. The Bank commenced business on 01 January, 1921 with an authorized capital of Rs. 5 lakhs and a paid up capital of Rs. 45,270/. Presently, the Bank provide a range of banking and financial services including SME banking, Retail banking, Corporate banking and treasury operations.During the FY2020, the bank has raised capital of Rs 409.68 crore through Initial Public Offering(IPO) and the shares of the bank were listed in BSE and NSE from 04 December 2019.During the first two decades of its functioning, the Bank concentrated only in Kerala. Banks and credit institutions which proliferated especially in Kerala received a jolt and many of them came to their doom following the crash of the Travancore National Quilon Bank in 1938 followed by Palai Central Bank in 1960. During the period many small banks came to the verge of collapse shaking the confidence of the public and what followed was a process of consolidation. The strategy of mergers and amalgamations of small banks with bigger banks brought the number of banks within controllable limits, thereby making the industrys base strong. In 196465, The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd took part in taking over the liabilities and assets of five small/medium sized banks in Kerala. The expansion programme initiated during these years gathered momentum in the subsequent years. In August 1969, the Bank was included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934. In 1975, the Bank attained the status of A Class Scheduled Bank when its total Deposits crossed Rs.25 crores. The necessity of imparting training to staff looked very important and a modest beginning was therefore, made in setting up a Training College in 1975. In the same year the Bank entered the field of foreign Exchange. At a very early stage, the Bank recognised mechanisation as an effective tool of management and streamlined its accounting procedures by introduction of Data processing system. From November 1975, reconciliation of interbranch accounts was mechanised by using IBM Data processing machines. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd did not lag behind in taking up the challenge and more than 75% of its clientele belong to small and economically weaker strata of Society. The Bank has a strong rural base with around 80% of the branches in rural and semi urban areas. Investments in money market and capital market instruments are being expanded and steps are being taken to have an in house equity research wing so as to face the challenges of the future. The Bank has also geared up its machinery to increase its market share of corporate finance in the days to come. The Bank has a Tieup arrangment with Birla Sunlife Insurance Company Ltd for marketing their Life Insurance products and with New India Assurance Company Limited for marketing their General Insurance products. At Present, the Bank has tieup arrangements with five companies to market their mutual fund products. At present, the Bank has a network of 603 branches/extension counters which includes 5 NRI branches, 5 SSI branches, 5 industrial Finance branches and 4 Service branches. The Bank also plans to open more number of branches in a phased manner.The Bank has installed 21 new ATMs at different locations during the 20052006. The Bank at present has 71 Atms.The Bank has 109 ATM networked branches, which proposed to bring the entire branches under the ATM Network by the end of March 2007.On 14 October 2014, the Bank had successfully allotted under preferential allotment basis 3406094 equity shares at a price of Rs 180 per share (inclusive of premium of Rs 170 per share) to eleven investors aggregating Rs 61,30,96,920.On 27 March 2015, the Bank had successfully allotted 15084406 equity shares of Rs 10 each to its existing shareholders in the ratio of 1 rights equity share for every 3 shares of the face value of Rs 10 each held by such equity shareholders, at a price of Rs 75 per share (inclusive of premium of Rs 65 per share), aggregating Rs 113.13 Crore.The Banks aggregate deposits rose by Rs 800.63 Crore to Rs 14,474.49 Crore as on 31 March 2015, from Rs 13,673.86 Crore in March 2014 recording a growth of 5.86%. During this period, the Banks net advances increased to Rs 9,471.96 Crore as against Rs 8,707.36 Crore in the previous year. As on 31 March 2015, the bank has a distribution network of 431 branches and 233 ATMs across the country. On 12 January 2016, the Bank had allotted 55,00,000 Equity Shares at a price of Rs 100 per share (inclusive of premium of Rs 90 per share), aggregating Rs 55,00,00,000. On 03 February 2016, the Bank had allotted 48, 00,325 Equity Shares at a price of Rs 100 per share (inclusive of premium of Rs 90 per share), aggregating Rs 48,00,32,500. On 18 February 2016, the Bank had allotted 10,70,032 Equity Shares at a price of Rs 100 per share (inclusive of premium of Rs 90 per share), aggregating Rs 10,70,03,200.During the fiscal 2016, the total deposits of the Bank stood at Rs 14,438.40 Crore, registering a negative growth to the tune of Rs 36.09 Crore, compared to previous year level of Rs 14474.49 crore. The negative growth is attributable to the conscious derisking policy adopted by the Bank in FY16 of shedding high cost corporate deposits to the tune of Rs 1006.70 Crore.During the FY2016, the Banks net advances decreased to Rs 7,852.65 Crore against Rs 9,469.40 Crore in the previous year.As on 31 March 2016, the bank has a distribution network of 429 branches and 240 ATMs across the country.During the FY2017, on 25.10.2016, the Bank has allotted 92,54,100 Equity Shares on Preferential basis for an issue price of Rs 120 per share (Rs 10/ towards share capital Rs 110 towards share premium) and mobilized Rs 111,04,92,000.During the FY2017, Banks total deposits have increased by Rs 473.16 crore and reached Rs 14911.56 crore as compared to Rs 14438.40 crore in the previous year. During this period, the Banks net advances increased to Rs 8,118.93 crore as against Rs 7,852.65 crore in the previous year.As on 31 March 2017, the bank has a distribution network of 426 branches and 257 ATMs across the country.During the FY2018, Banks total Assets have decreased by Rs 353.18 crore and stood at Rs 15870.05 crore as compared to Rs 16,223.24 crore in the previous year. The Banks total deposits have decreased by Rs 220.91 crore and stood at Rs 14,690.65 crore as compared to Rs 14,911.56 crore in previous year 2017. However Banks Net Advances have increased by Rs 1,218.42 crore and reached Rs 9,337.36 crore as against Rs 8,118.93 crore in the previous year. As on 31 March 2018, the bank has a distribution network of 421 branches and 254 ATMs across the country.Pursuant to approval accorded by shareholders by way of special resolution passed in the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Bank held on 21 March 2018 and in terms of Reserve Bank of India approval vide etter DBR.PSBD.No.341/16.1.060/201819 dated 12 July 2018 and approval of Department of Financial Services of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide letter No. F.No.26/5/2018BOA dated 09 October 2018, the Bank on 19 October 2018 allotted an aggregate number of 1,98,32,130 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each at an issue price of Rs 140 per share (including premium of Rs 130 per share) and 6,64,63,329 Warrants compulsorily convertible into or exchangeable for Equity Shares of Rs 10 each at an issue price of Rs 140 (including premium of Rs 130 per warrant) to FIH Mauritius Investments Ltd(FIHM).Equity shares were allotted on a partly paid up basis and received Rs 35 per share upfront, aggregating of Rs 694,124,550/. Warrants were allotted on a partly paid up basis and received Rs 56 per warrant upfront, aggregating of Rs 3,72,19,46,424 and thereafter on 20 March 2019 received Rs 42 per warrant as first call aggregating of Rs 27,91,459,818. The Bank, as on 31 March 2019, has received an amount aggregating of Rs 7,207,530,792 by allotting Warrants and Shares to FIHM.FIHM is holding 5.77 % in the paid up capital of the Bank and in terms of issued capital, the same is 19.68%. The said percentage will go up to 51 % on a fully diluted basis, post conversion of warrants into equity shares and partly paid up equity shares be made fully paid up. FIHM is an investment holding company incorporated under the laws of Mauritius. FIHM is wholly owned by Fairfax India Holdings Corporation (FIHC), an entity listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (FFH/Fairfax), through its subsidiaries (collectively the Fairfax Group), controls 93.7% of the voting shares of FIHC. FFH is also an entity listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.During the FY2019, Banks Total Assets have increased by Rs 1041.11 crore and stood at Rs 16911.16 crore as compared to Rs 15870.05 crore in the previous year. The Banks Aggregate deposits as at 31 March 2019 stood at Rs 15123.87 Crore, as compared to previous year level of Rs 14690.65 Crore. During this period, the Banks net advances increased to Rs 10615.24 crore as against Rs 9337.36 crore, registering 13.69% growth YoY in the previous year.As on 31 March 2019, the bank has a distribution network of 419 branches and 277 ATMs across the country.The financial year 201920 turned out to be one of the important milestone years in the corporate history of the Bank. The Bank successfully completed its Initial Public Offering (IPO) to the tune of Rs 409.676 crore which received an overwhelming response from the investors and the issue was subscribed overall by 86.92 times. The Public Issue of 21,009,067 equity shares of Rs 10 each of the Bank for cash at a price of Rs 195 per equity shares including a share premium of Rs 185 per equity share aggregating to Rs 409.676 crore comprised of a Fresh Issue of 1,230,769 equity shares of the Bank aggregating to Rs 23.999 crore and an Offer for Sale of 19,778,298 equity shares by the existing members of the Bank aggregating up to Rs 385.676 crore. The equity shares of Bank were listed and admitted for dealings on BSE Limited (BSE) and National Stock Exchange Limited (NSE) with effect from 04 December 2019. The Bank on receipt of approval of the shareholders by postal ballot on 04 May 2019, approached Registrar of Companies, Kerala to effect the change of name of the Bank from The Catholic Syrian Bank Limited to CSB Bank Limited. The Registrar of Companies, Kerala, issued Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to change of name on 10 June 2019 and accordingly, the change of name has been effective from the said date. The Reserve Bank of India, vide letter dated 28 June 2019, granted fresh license to carry on banking business in India, in lieu of the old license, consequent upon the change of name of the Bank. Reserve Bank of India, vide circular dated 17 October 2019, advised about notification of the change of name of the Bank from The Catholic Syrian Bank Limited to CSB Bank Limited in the second schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 with effect from 10 June 2019 by Notification DBR.PSBD.No.503/16.01.160/2019 20 dated 17 July 2019 published in the weekly gazette (Part IIISection 4).During the fiscal 2020, Banks total assets increased to Rs 18,864.24 crore as compared to Rs 16,911.16 crore in FY19 showing a yoy growth of 11.55%. The Banks Aggregate deposits at the end of FY20 stood at Rs 15,790.68 crore, as against to previous year level of Rs 15,123.87 crore, registering a yoy growth of 4.41%.The Financial year 201920 has been a year of strategic development through wellmade rational decisions. Bank closed/merged its 13 branches, but expanded its outreach to the customers by opening 10 new branches and 23 ATMs at various places across the country. As on 31 March 2020, the Bank has 417 branches including 3 service branches, 3 Asset Recovery Branches and 300 ATMs spread across the country.As on 31 December 2020, the bank has a network of 460 branches (including of 3 service branches and 3 Asset Recovery branches) and 319 ATMs spread across the country.As on 31 March 2021, the Bank has a distribution network of 512 branches and 318 ATMs across the country. In financial year 2021, the Bank opened 101 new branches. It installed 18 more new ATM/CRMs making the total to 318 onsite and offsite ATM/CRMs. As on 31 March 2022, the Bank has a distribution network of 603 branches and 459 ATMs across the country. In financial year 2022, the Bank opened 100 branches. It installed 144 more new ATM/CRMs making the total to 459 onsite and offsite ATM/CRMs. During the financial year 202122, Bank merged 9 existing branches with nearby branches as part of its rationalisation strategy and further relocated 34 ATMs in the same period of which 32 were replaced with CRMs and 2 ATMs were relocated due to low hits.FIH Mauritius Investments Ltd (FIHM), promoter of the Bank holds 86,262,976 shares which constitute 49.72 % in the paid up capital of the Bank as on March 31, 2022.During year 2023, Bank installed 107 more new ATM/ CRMs making the total to 528 onsite and offsite ATM/ CRMs. The Bank opened 100 branches in the financial year 202223. As on March 31, 2023, the Bank has 703 branches excluding 3service branches, 3 Asset Recovery Branches and 528 ATMs/CRMs spread across 16 states and 4 union territories.The Bank implemented Oracles core banking system Flexcube as the latest version in 2023. As on 31 March 2024, Bank has a distribution network of 779 branches and 731 ATMs across the country. In FY 202324, the Bank opened 76 new branches. It installed 215 new ATM/CRMs making the total to 681 onsite and 50 offsite ATM/CRMs. Out of the 76 branches inaugurated in FY 202324, a significant portion were established outside Kerala, primarily in Andhra Pradesh and regions of Northern/ Western India.