Founded in: 2013
Tierra Agrotech Limited was formerly incorporated as Tierra Agrotech Private Limited on September 13, 2013. Pursuant to Scheme of Amalgamation, the name of the Company was changed from Tierra Agrotech Private Limited to Tierra Agrotech Limited in 2022. The Company is engaged in Seed Research, Development, Production, Processing and Commercialization of superior products in major crops like Cotton, Rice, Pearl Millet, Corn, Mustard, Tomato, Pepper and Okra. The Company established a stateoftheart RD unit in Hyderabad with 10,000 sq. ft. laboratory space with several green houses, more than 50 acres of breeding farms supported with drip irrigation and other essential facilities. Besides breeding and biotechnology RD centers in Hyderabad, it also established three more RD units, one in Bangalore and the other two in Pune and Gurgaon. It has about 30 product trialing centers across the country. The Companys focus is to introduce value added differentiated products and technologies in the market, while protecting them under suitable Intellectual Property (IP) and Plant Variety Protection (PVP) laws. The business model follows strict compliance with all regulatory guidelines including Freedom to Operate (FTOs) guidelines of GOI.In 2012, Tierra Group was established on January 2nd, 2012.In 2013, the Company established Biotech Research Centre.In 2015, RD of Tierra received recognition from DSIR Govt. of India.In 2017, Joint Venture Company for Agri Biologicals with Iden Biotechnology, Spain was formed. Grandeur Products Limited became a Holding Company of Tierra Agrotech Pvt Ltd. During the FY 201718, the Company acquired Indias branded Cotton seed businesses of Monsanto and Xylem (a DuPont Pioneer Seed Company) and thereby became one of the top cotton germplasm enriched company in the country.In 2019, the Company launched the Corn, Rice Mustard products in 2020, it started vegetable seed business operations.In 2021, the Company introduced new Soybean, Black Gram and new Fodder beet in India.In FY 202223, two new products 5T55 5T56 were commercially introduced. In 202223, Grandeur Products Limited, a subsidiary company got merged with the Company through the Scheme of Amalgamation effective from April 1, 2020. In terms of the said Scheme, the Company issued and allotted 2,51,55,165 Equity shares of Rs. 10/ each to the shareholders of the Grandeur Products Limited in the ratio of 1 equity share of the Company for every 1 equity share held by them in the Company.
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