Founded in: 2005
Managing director: Uttam Bagri
Pyxis Finvest Limited was originally incorporated with the Registrar of Companies, on November 25, 2005 as BCB Finance Private Limited. The Company, through the Shareholders Resolution was converted into Public Limited Company and the name was changed to BCB Finance Limited and further changed from BCB Finance Limited to Pyxis Finvest Limited w.e.f. February 11, 2016.The Company is the NBFC Arm promoted by the Bagri family to carry out their financing and investment activities and in bring in the benefits of synergies from their brokerage and other businesses.The Company operates as Non Banking Finance Company and is engaged in business of advancing loans and investing/trading in securities. It provides shareholders the opportunity to participate in a diverse portfolio of investments and gain access to a defined investment process and the investment experience of the management team. Pyxis Finvest became the first Company in India to get listed its securities on the SME Platform of the BSE Limited on 13th March, 2012. Later on in 201516, thru Share Purchase Agreement on 7th October, 2014 between earlier promoters of the Company, Mr. Bharat Bagri and Mr. Uttam Bagri, with CentrumDirect Limited, CentrumDirect Limited purchased 52.16% shareholding in the Company effective from 5th August, 2015 and became the new Promoter of the Company.
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