Mehta Integrated Finance Ltd was incorporated as a Private Limited Company in the year 1985 with an object of entering the financial market with lease, hire purchase and other financial and capital market packages. The Company since incorporation has seen lot of dynamics in interest rates, lease/hire purchase rates, legal issues, securitization call money market rate, money supply, fiscal anamolies and changes in the financial sector. The Company is engaged in leasing, hirepurchase and investment in shares and securities. The above economic, financial and fiscal dynamics saw many companies in the financial sector changing their business strategy, and the marginal ones were out of the market. The Company also took advantage of developing the service sector by offering financial services in the field of finance and other capital market instruments.In 1993, the company undertook a major expansion in its fundbased activities such as lease and hirepurchase of plant and machinery. It also undertook new activities in financial services and merchantbanking. In Aug.93, the company came out with a public issue to partfinance the expansion programme.The Company is a SEBIrecognised categoryI merchant banker. The Company set up a specialised department to offer expert project management and consultancy services. It developed a financial package to enable investors to acquire all required rights in securities. At present, it is concentrating on advisory and consultancy assignments in capital markets, business reorganization, investments, fund raising and corporate restructuring.