Founded in: 1993
Kimia Biosciences Limited (Formerly known Laurel Organics Limited) was incorporated in September, 1993 led by the Promoters, A K Bansal, K S Varma, Atul Sharma, A P Godiyal, D K Gupta and R K Bansal. The Company has own manufacturing of Bulk DrugsAPIs at its plant located at Gurgaon, Haryana. The Company is engaged into the business of Pharamaceutical products.The company set up a bulk drug manufacturing unit at Gurgaon, Haryana, at a project cost of Rs 10.41 cr. It came out with a public issue in Feb.95 to partfinance the project. Commercial production commenced in May 95. During the 199899, the company has become a sick industrial units.The Honble BIFR vide order dated 27th December, 2005 had deregistered the Company as Sick Industrial Undertaking on the ground that 100% of the capacity was utilized for manufacture of the intermediate products for M/s Ranbaxy Laboratoty Limfted (RLL) and , thereby, turningout to be an ancillary industrial Undertaking. .The Honble AAIFR disposed the appeal of M/s Ranbaxy Lab. Ltd vide its Order dated 30.08.2006, directing them to file an application before the Hoble BIFR only to redress grievances. Therefore, M/s Ranbaxy Lab. Ltd had filed an applicationdated 31.10.06 before the Honble BIFR, requesting them to consider issuance of appropriate corrective orders. The Board has reconfirmed its earlier order. Therefore, despite negative net worth, the Company is out of BIFR purview.During the year 201718, the Scheme of Arrangement for Amalgamation of the Company with M/s Kimia Biosciences Limited was made effective from September 17, 2018. Upon Scheme of Amalgamation becoming effective on 17.09.2018, M/s. Kimia Biosciences Limited Holding Company having 37,28,100 Equity Shares (50.48%) of Rs. 10/ each of the Company got merged under reverse merger with the Company.
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