Khyati Multimedia Entertainment Company background
Founded in: 1995
Khyati Multimedia Entertainment Ltd (formerly known as Khyati Resorts Ltd) was incorporated in January, 1995. The Company has been promoted by Kartik J Patel, Jasubhai M Patel and Praful J Agrawal and is presently engaged in the business of high quality Desktop Publishing, Imaging, Corporate Presentations, creative designing and multimedia software development.The Company has has emerged as a strong forerunner in the areas of Multimedia Development, using the latest Multimedia Tools. Whatever the media, there is an effective solution. Whether it is a cdrom, or a web server, or on paper, the Company is there to deliver.Multimedia tools enhance the impact of presentation. Audio visual media such as video, slides, CDROM and Internet are carriers which can provide strong support to the physical presentation of products and services. They make it possible to visualize products services and to give threedimensional explanations of applications as well as show equipment in 3D simulation. Multimedia for exhibitors, the combination of sound, pictures and film is particularly an effective multimedia fair presentation for attracting attention in an exhibition. There is a possibility to make the presentation interactive so to enable the user to search the required information himself.The company is at present, establishing a resortcumresidential hotel project at Baliyasana (Mehsana district), Gujarat, with ultra modern facilities like residential hotel, time share cottages, 24hour coffee shop and restaurant, water park, children park, health club, etc, at an estimated cost of Rs 1208 lac. In Apr.96, the company came out with a public issue of 51 lac equity shares of Rs 10 each for cash at par aggregating Rs 5.1 cr, to partfinance its above project.During the year 199697, it completed the Highway Restaurant Project and started commercial operation.During the year 19992000, the Company changed its name from Khyati Resorts Limited to Khyati MultimediaEntertainment Limited.
How to buy Khyati Multimedia Entertainment shares?
You can easily buy Khyati Multimedia Entertainment shares in Kotak Securities by opening a demat account and getting the KYC documents verified online.
Please be aware that Khyati Multimedia Entertainment stock prices are subject to continuous fluctuations due to various factors.