Jattashankar Industries Ltd was originally incorporated as Jatta Poly Yarn Private Limited in August 1988 for setting up a texturising and twisting plant at Silvassa in the Union Territory of Dadra Nagar Havelli and subsequently was converted into a Public Limited Company effective from 4th March 1993. Subsequently name of Company was changed to Jattashankar Industries Limited as per Certificate for Change of Name obtained from the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra dated 18th of April 2002. It was promoted by Subhkaran Poddar, Jatta Shankar Poddar and Sharad Poddar.The Company is one of the leading manufacturer of Polyester Dyed Yarn in India. It is catering to diverse requirements of Synthetic Yarns consumers, for the end use like Woven Fabrics Suitings, Shirtings, Sarees Dress materials Hosiery Knitwear Furnishing Upholstery fabrics Narrow Fabrics Labels, Laces, Tapes Elastics Sewing Thread and Industrial Fabrics.Commercial production of twisting machines commenced in Mar.89 and that at the texturising plant commenced in Jun.89. In Mar.90, the company expanded its twisting capacity by installing 12 additional uptwister twisting machines. It came out with public issue in Oct.93 to partfinance the setting up of a texturising unit at Silvassa.In 199697, due to reduction in excise duty, Company was benefited and supported by increasing trends of local as well as outstation price realisation both in grey and dyed yarn. To maintain the quality of dyed yarns and further increased the capacity, it installed 2 Texturising Machines.