HB Portfolio Limited, presently engaged in the business of investment in securities was initially incorporated under the name of HB Stockholdings Limited on August 18, 1994 with the main object of undertaking the Financial Services. The Company name was changed on February 19 1997 to the present name of HB Portfolio Limited.On 10th June. 1997, the company made allotment of Securities in accordance with the provisions of Scheme. of Arrangement sanctioned by the Honble High Court of Delhi to the Shareholders of HB Stockholdings Ltd. Consequent upon the above, Company, ceased to bethe subsidiary of HB Stockholdings Ltd. with effect from that date. HB Asset Management Co. Ltd. was amalgamated with CreditCapital Asset Management Co. Ltd. w.e.f. 5th April, 1999. HB Corporate Services Ltd. became the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company w.e.f. 4th September, 2000. The Merchant Banking Division of HB Portfolio Leasing Limited (now known as HB Stockholdings Limited) was transferred to and vested in the Company through Scheme of Arrangement. Through the Scheme of Arrangement implemented in 201718, between the Company, HB Stockholdings Limited and HB Estate Developers Limited, made effective 30th January, 2018, the Capital Restructuring Committee of the Board of Directors in its meeting held on 17th March, 2018 made an allotment of 5948055 Equity Shares of Rs 10/ each fully paidup in the ratio of 25 Equity Shares of Rs 10/ each fully paid up of HBPL for every 100 Equity Shares of Rs 10/ each fully paid of HBSL to the eligible Shareholders of HBSL, whose name were recorded in the Register of Members and the records of the Depositories as members of HBSL on 12th March, 2018 in consideration of the Demerger of HBSL Long Term Equity Investment Undertaking from HBSL and transfer and vesting of the same to the Company. As a result of which, the Equity Share Capital of the Company increased from Rs 11,99,23,290/ comprising of 11992329 Equity Shares of Rs 10/ each fully paid up to Rs 17,94,03,840/ comprising of 17940384 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/ each fully paid up.