Ecoplast Limited is one of Indias reputed suppliers of multilayer coextruded polyethylene and copolymer films to the flexible packaging industry as well as a variety of other Industrial Applications around the world. The major focus now is high value added products and films for Specialty Applications for flexible packaging applications. Currently, the Company serve applications in Film for Aluminum Composite Panel, Films for Surface Protection and FMCG and Pharma Packaging. Presently, the Company is promoted by Amita Jaymin Desai. The Company has had a major role in the development of the flexible packaging industry in India this industry uses multilayer polyethylene and copolymer films for laminating to one or more substrates, such as polyester film, Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene film, often in combinations with aluminum foil and/or paper, depending upon the packaging system and the product to be packed. The multilayer film forms the inner most layer the heat seal layer of the laminate, which is in contact with the packed product and is a critical part of the laminate for ensuring shelf life of the packed product. Incorporated in May 1981 as a Private Limited Company, Ecoplast became a public limited company in June, 1994. The Company was originally promoted by Pheroze P Kharas. The company commenced commercial production in 1982 with an installed capacity of 540 tpa of plastic films (mainly LDPE/HDPE or a combination) for flexible packaging.Ecoplast came out with a public issue (at a premium of Rs 30) in Nov.94 to partfinance the expansion of its multilayer film capacity to 4500 tpa by installing a new multilayer blown film coextrusion line of 2500 tpa. The new plant went onstream in Aug.95. During 200304, the Company replaced its old Blown Film line (installed in 1982 with a capacity of 670 MT Capacity) with a new Blown Film line with 1200 MT capacity per annum at a cost of Rs.11.1 Million. Jampore Printers Ltd engaged in Multicolour Printing on Polyethylene Film became a subsidiary company in the year 19992000.During the year 2008, the Company acquired additional 5, 96,680 equity shares in Synergy Films Private Limited for a total consideration of Rs.97, 50,000. With this, company held 8,96,020 Equity shares of Synergy Films Private Limited which had 74.96% of its Equity Capital and as a result, Synergy films Private Limited became subsidiary of the company during the year 201112. The Company acquired on 12 June 2013 further 2,99,340 Equity Shares in Synergy Films Private Limited, its subsidiary company and the said Company became a 100% Subsidiary of the Company.During the year 201617, capacity of high value added products increased from present 1000 MTPA to 2400 MTPA and accordingly, the new plant was operational from September 2016. Synergy Films Private Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of the Company discontinued its existing activities and surrendered various Licenses for the said activities w.e.f 7th December 2019.