Cochin Malabar Estates & Industries Company background
Founded in: 1930
The Cochin Malabar Estates and Industries Limited was incorporated on March 14, 1930 and is presently carrying on the business of rubber and tea plantations in the State of Kerala and Karnataka since then. The Company is basically a plantation company with 3 Rubber Estates in Kerala. The Company had purchased one Tea Estate in Idukki Dist., Kerala which was fully uprooted in a phased manner and replanted with high yield varieties. In year 2001, the Bangurs took over the management and pumped in fresh energy and resources to expand and develop the core activities viz. plantations. Besides the traditional plantation business, the Company had diversified activities such as Fire Engineering Division at Bombay and a Aqua Culture Farm in Goa on an approximately 106 acres for cultivation of tiger prawns, shrimps, etc. Company had started a 100% EOU Rubber Wood Processing factory near Kinalur Estate for converting the rubber wood into hard and strong wood by chemical treatment with foreign knowhow.The Company has a well established market for products. The mainstay, of course, is the Centrifuged latex made specially for condom manufacturing factories and the products of the Company command premium in the market. Rubber though tapped as latex, is processed into various rubber products, a stabilized concentrated form of latex, smoked sheets, crepes and crumb/block rubber in a wide variety of grades.Pursuant to a Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and Joonktollee Tea Industries Ltd. sanctioned by the Honble High Court at Calcutta on 3rd December, 2012. The Cochin Plantation Division (comprising of Chemoni, Pudukad, Eichipara Rubber Estates Pullikanam Tea Estate) was demerged from the Company and merged with Joonktollee Tea Industries Ltd. w.e.f. 01.04.2011. As a result, the Company has ceased to be a subsidiary of Joonktollee Tea Industries Ltd. w.e.f. 07.10.2013.
How to buy Cochin Malabar Estates & Industries shares?
You can easily buy Cochin Malabar Estates & Industries shares in Kotak Securities by opening a demat account and getting the KYC documents verified online.
Please be aware that Cochin Malabar Estates & Industries stock prices are subject to continuous fluctuations due to various factors.