Ashika Credit Capital was incorporated as a Private Limited Company on 8th March 1994 and was subsequently converted to Public Limited Company. The Company has been promoted by Pawan Jain and Daulat Jain, who have more than 5 years experience in the field of Issue Management, Project Consultancy, Investment Consultancy, Stock Broking etc.The Company is presently engaged in the business of Issue Management and all other issue related services viz., Capital Planning, Corporate restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions, Loan Syndication, Consultancy for buyback of shares and advisory services. The Company has identified two broad areas for its activity Merchant Banking and Stock Broking through subsidiary companies. The Company has been authorised by SEBI to act as category I Merchant Banker, The Company has handled 53 Public/Rights Issue as Advisor to the issues. The Company is currently handling more than 6 assignments in Public Issue/takeover matters.The Company proposes to invest Rs. 160 lakhs into one of its subsidiary company M/s Ashika Stock Broking Limited to enable it to acquire membership of NSE and CSE. The Company also proposes to increase its services in respect of offering expert advice to entrepreneurs and technocrats in identifying commercially viable projects and preparation of project reports, capital structuring etc. At present, it is actively assisting Bharat Hydro Power Corporation in Assam for setting up of a 100 MW Power Project.In 2023, Company got its securities Listed on Main Board of BSE Platform, effective 14 February 2023.