
What is Block Deal and Bulk Deal in Share Market?

  •  5 min read
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  • 29 Dec 2023
What is Block Deal and Bulk Deal in Share Market

Key Highlights

  • A Block Deal is a significant transaction involving a large number of shares traded in a single deal.

  • A Bulk Deal involves the buying or selling of a substantial quantity of shares in a single transaction

  • Reporting these deals is crucial for transparency and helps market participants gauge investor sentiment.

To grasp the differences between block deals and bulk deals, it is crucial to explore the meanings of both terms. Let's start by clarifying the concept of block deals. A block deal refers to a single transaction where the exchange of shares involves quantities exceeding Rs. 5,00,000 or cases where the total traded value exceeds Rs. 10 crores. It's important to note that SEBI modified the criteria in 2017 for defining the value of a block deal, transitioning from a fixed amount in crores to the current Rs 10 crores. In today's stock market scenario, block deals take place within a specified trading window referred to as the "block deal window."

Notably, due to the unique nature of these transactions, block deals are inaccessible to retail investors and are not displayed on the value charts of any trading platform. While there may be a semblance between subscribing to an upcoming IPO and engaging in a block deal, it is crucial to acknowledge significant differences in the quantity and value of shares involved.

In the world of the stock market, a Bulk Deal refers to a transaction wherein a singular entity, such as an institutional investor or a notable trader, engages in the substantial buying or selling of a significant quantity of a company's shares within a single trade. The precise definition of a bulk deal may vary depending on the stock exchange and regulatory authority, but it commonly involves a transaction where the number of shares exchanged surpasses a proportion of the company's total outstanding shares.

According to the concept of bulk deals, these transactions are typically disclosed to the stock exchange where the trade occurs and are subsequently made available to the public after the conclusion of the trading day. Market participants closely monitor these transactions as they can provide valuable insights into the trading patterns of institutional investors and other significant market players, potentially influencing a stock's price and the overall sentiment in the market.

Aspect Bulk Deals Block Deal
The meaning of a Bulk Deal encompasses the buying or selling of a substantial number of shares of a company's stock, often surpassing a predefined threshold, such as 0.5% of the total shares.
The meaning of Block deals entails the buying or selling of a significant quantity of shares, usually exceeding 5 lakh shares or having a total value surpassing Rs. 5 crore, within a single transaction.
Frequently employed by both individual and institutional investors for managing portfolios or engaging in trading activities.
Commonly utilised by institutional investors like mutual funds to acquire or divest a substantial ownership interest in a company.
Influence on the market.
Might exert a minimal influence on the stock's price, as they don't encompass a substantial proportion of the company's shares.
May employ a more substantial influence on the stock's price, as they encompass a significant portion of the company's shares, potentially causing price fluctuations.
Requirements for reporting.
Reporting a Bulk Deal to the stock exchange is required within a specified timeframe.
Reporting a Block Deal to the stock exchange is required within a more expedited timeframe compared to Bulk Deals.
Regulatory requirements.
Subject to control by stock exchanges and regulatory bodies in the market.
Additionally overseen by stock exchanges and market regulators, it is held to more stringent rules and requirements for reporting.
Size of the transaction
Less extensive than Block Deals.
More extensive than Bulk Deals.

What does a bulk deal mean in the share market? What about a block deal? Understanding how these transactions impact the stock market is essential. Block or bulk deals involving a security or listed share often indicate a rising interest in that particular stock. When numerous deals occur for a stock over time, it suggests confidence in the stock, potentially causing a short-term upward trend in its share price. Moreover, significant investors may employ this strategy to attract more buyers to a specific stock.

Certainly, any substantial transactions in the current stock market have consequences for both small and, at times, large investors. These transactions attract attention due to their size, often leading investors to view the stocks involved as reliable. While block and bulk deals may provide insights into the increasing or decreasing interest in a specific stock, it's crucial to approach these signals with caution. Considering other indicators and trends is essential before making any trading decisions.


It is crucial for traders and investors to grasp the distinctions between bulk and block trades while navigating the intricacies of the stock market. Although both transaction types deal with substantial quantities, NSE bulk trades directly influence real-time pricing and provide valuable insights into market sentiment. Conversely, a block deal involves a sequence of discreet, pre-arranged trades executed off-market to mitigate immediate market impact.

Understanding these complexities will empower you to make informed decisions aligned with your trading strategies and risk tolerance, thereby improving your proficiency in the dynamic realm of stock trading.

FAQs on What is Block Deal and Bulk Deal in Share Market

Yes, Bulk Deals may suggest increasing or decreasing interest in a specific stock, influencing perceptions of its reliability.

Yes, reporting Bulk Deals to the stock exchange is mandatory within a designated timeframe.

Yes, information about Bulk Deals is disclosed to the stock exchange and made available to the public after the trading day.

Bulk Deals, especially those involving institutional investors, can significantly influence market dynamics due to the large volumes traded.

Yes, these deals can serve as indicators of market trends, reflecting changes in investor sentiment and interest.

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