Generally, people enter the financial market for extra income. However, they may lack knowledge of appropriate market terminology. It is difficult for a newbie to understand terms such as ‘share,’ ‘stock,’ and ‘equity,’ and not having a clear understanding can be problematic. An investor should be familiar with these terms well before they start investing. Being aware of the jargon helps you invest wisely. In this article, we will discuss the difference between stock and share markets. A new investor may not always know the difference between the stock and share markets. So, let’s start by breaking the terms into parts and seeing their meanings.
The term ‘share’ is associated with investment options like mutual funds and limited partnerships. But both markets are based on the same thing—trading.
The stock market, also known as the stock exchange, is a place where stocks, equities, and other securities and bonds are actively traded.
Even though these terms are used interchangeably, they differ in their modes of operation. A share or stock market is essentially a market where various kinds of bonds and securities are traded. The price of a company’s stock depends on the demand and the supply of that stock. A company can issue shares directly, but it cannot issue stocks in such a manner. When a number of shares are put together, it is called stocks. Also, keep in mind that shares can have a small value, while stocks will always have a significant amount of value. These are the major differences between the stock market and the share market.
Now that you know how the stock market is similar to and different from the share market, trading is even easier. Open a demat account and start trading.
Read more:
How to trade in the stock market
The share market refers to a marketplace where the buying and selling of shares or equities take place. However, the stock market is a place where a broader range of securities like bonds, derivatives, currency, etc are traded.
Sometimes the share market is also referred to as the stock market. People commonly use the two terms interchangeably. However, the share market only facilitates the trading of shares. Whereas, the stock market allows trading of various types of securities like forex, derivatives, and bonds among others.