
Do and Donts

We care for you and want to safeguard your interest
  • Before deciding to buy stock of any company, check its credentials and fundamentals

  • Some products like F&O carry higher leveraging risk. Hence, adopt trading / investment strategies commensurate with your risk-bearing capacity

  • Be cautious about stocks which show a sudden spurt in price or trading activity, especially low price stocks. Remember, there are no guaranteed returns on investment in the stock market

  • Remember broking account is not a portfolio management account. Hence, give clear instruction for placing trades in your account

  • Make payment only from your own Bank account in the name of “Kotak Securities Limited” for offline trading account and “” in case of online account. Similarly deliver the shares or pay-in/margin only from your own DP Account in the name of Kotak Securities Ltd.

  • Pay the margin and outstanding debit in time to avoid liquidation of securities and charging of interest

  • Go through all communication sent by Kotak Securities Limited (KSL) including contract notes, trade SMS/email, statement of account, margin shortfall mailers etc. In case of any doubt, call customer service department immediately

  • Update your contact details including address, mobile number, email ID etc. immediately in case of any change

  • Give your updated financial statement on an annual basis. Remember this is a regulatory requirement

  • You must not share your login/trading password with anyone including any of the employees/agents of KSL

  • Don’t pay cash for settling any of your transactions

  • Refrain from investing based on rumors or tips

  • Never handover blank signed delivery instruction slip or cheque to any person including the employees/agents of KSL